mercoledì 22 agosto 2012

Intervista a Ki Bobae, medaglia d'oro a Londra

Q:  How did you start archery?
A:  I was in fourth grade, and the coach wanted me to give it a try.

Q:  Were there any difficulties as a beginner?
A:  As a starter, I practiced with rubber bands instead of a bow. It was tiring.This proves that hard work is always required.

Q:  What do you do when you can't shoot a 10?
A:  I will think about the last move carefully. Of course, when errors occur too frequently, I'll try my best to cut down.

Q:  Do you think equipments are important?
A:  Compared to others, I stress the quality of equipments. For example, if the back of an arrow is slightly cracked, I believe it may affect the score. So I always check carefully.

Q:  What matters most when shooting?
A:  Concentration matters a lot. You have to focus on every shot.

Q:  Where do you receive training?
A:  Outdoors, especially under windy conditions.

Q:  How do you adjust when it's windy?
A:  Making adjustments and keeping the touch is important.

Q:  Are there any difficulties for the preparations of the London Olympics?
A:   It's been tough recently. The peliminary round in Korea is up next week, and I'm feeling tense, and tired, but this is a process that has to be gone through. After it is conquered, I will thus feel respected.

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